Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Email: No subject [It's possible a nerve was hit]

I'm going to temper this as politely as possible - you're a young girl, so I won't use the same vitirol I use on adults who ought to know better.
A quick glance at your site shows others have already addressed the points I'd like to make - namely that you attack people with a very broad brush. For example, I support the 99%, and I'm a Neuroscience/Neuropsychology major, hardly the "Women's study" major you would claim I have. Even if I chose to change to that, it's really wrong of you to paint all Women's Studies majors as some type of ground-trooper for SCUM or something. Highly inaccurate.
Second - this is the internet - did you not learn anything from watching Rebecca Black? All she did was make a shitty music video, and she got villified for it. Whether she deserved it or not is beyond the point - that's what happened. You got involved in a devisive issue, WAY more nasty than making a bad music video. Furthermore, you got involved by calling your opposition "Damn Hippies" and basically claiming intellectual superiority over them at age 13. Not... exactly an intelligent move on the internet where Anonymous can track down your address and have you run out of town (and if you've read, they've done so to others for far less). I guess what I'm saying is.. you aren't allowed to be above criticsm. If you want to get out there in the debates, like an adult, then understand that as hard as you can hit, your opponents can hit back as well. As they say - you have a right to your own opinion, not your own facts. You also have a right to speak, and we have a right to speak back. Just because you say something, doesn't exempt you from having to own up to it - that's part of what growing up and becoming an adult means: taking responsibility and owning up for the things you say and the things you do.
You're a "smart" 13 year old, okay, good for you. Have a cookie. But you can't hit your opponent with something, then cover your face and scream how you're only 13 when they come back, sometimes with nasty remarks. Let me ask you something, McDonalds, assuming they're hiring, pays about $6.50 an hour aye? So, even working 40 hours a week, the maximum usually allowable by any company, before taxes, that's about $260/wk. That's assuming they even let you work 40 hours, as most McDonalds aren't going to want to pay even that much. So you're looking at maybe 20 hours a week if you're lucky, $130, before taxes. That's about $520 a month. What place do you know of where rent, PLUS food, PLUS living expenses PLUS utilities, comes to under $520 per month?
Think about that, for just a moment. Considering rent in northern California for a hovel is about $1800/month. Over 3 times your monthly wage at McDonalds, for rent, no food, no living expenses, nothing else. Those people are the ones who are protesting.
You like to talk about the people who have iPads, and iPods, and -gasp- headphones too. -My Droid was a gift from my father because my old pay-as-you-go cell phone was 5 years old and had already required me to go out of my way to buy a new battery for it.
-My iPod Video is almost 5 years old too, the LCD in the screen is fading out and needs to be replaced.
-My headphones are 2 years old, I'm just now finally replacing them using money I got from taking student notes at my University for 15 hours a week. They're cheap Phillips brand, you can find them at Target.
I won't really address your "spent 13 (13 what?) chasing blah blah blah" because frankly, it looked like an attempt to be sarcastic that fell flat. You need to spell AND grammar check your work before posting it - that's part of the reason we laugh at the Tea Party - they can't spell to save their lives.
Question though, you're going to "take our country back" - to what? FROM what? You've probably heard your parents bandying about wanting to take the country back. But do you what they're trying to take it back from?
Do you want to roll back the rights the LGBT community has made in the last few years? Reinstate DADT, DOMA? Sodomy Laws? How is that in any way American? Being LGBT myself, I could quote dozens of sources, including both APAs that support the notion that marriage equality is a good thing, being gay isn't a choice, etc. You say you're a smart girl, I trust you will be on the right side of that issue. Otherwise, please let me know and i'll be more than happy to releive you of your professed ignorance.
Do you want to take back the white house and congress for the Republicans? Have you seen what kind of mess the economy is in? Have you seen the surplus Clinton left us in 2000 when Bush took office? Did you see what he did to it? Can you correlate that to the mess we're in now? Wait, right, Bush did nothing to cause it, am I right? Starting 2 wars, almost starting a 3rd, and cutting taxes back completely on the rich had 0% to do with why we sank into a recession. Deregulating businesses had nothing to do with massive outsourcing, worker layoffs and giving the banks more freedom which led to the housing bubble.
What about the tea party almost sending this country and the entire world into a massive depression because they couldn't pass a new debt ceiling? They were willing to let America, and the WORLD fall into chaos, just to make Obama look bad. Is that a good thing? Atlas Shrugged was fiction, not fact, and John Galt killed millions at the end - Rand doesn't really like to dwell on that, or doesn't care to. You KILL people when you try to "destroy the country and remake it" - that's NOT American. That's not even moral on a human level. - But you say you're a smart girl, I trust you don't mean that. If you do, say so and again, I'll be more than happy to relieve you of your ignorance.
Do you want to take the country back to a time when women like yourself couldn't hold public office? Or vote? What about minorities? Do they deserve rights? Or should we roll back all the way to slavery? You're a smart girl, I doubt this is what you meant. But if it is, I can relieve you of that ignorance.
You talk about Unions, but you see... here's where it really sounds like Mom and Dad wrote this for you - and if you took a simple US History or APUSH class in high school (when you GET to high school) you'd see why it's B.S. - the unions were there to protect workers from corrupt oligarchies who had no problem working people 60 hour work weeks for pennies with no health insurance, no benefits, no vacation, no time off, no lunches, no breaks, and no hope. And if they got injured even a little bit, well they were just fired. Read up a little on our history circa 1900-1930. That should give you an idea of why there are unions. Yes, reading about US Steel and Andrew Carnegie - I didn't like it either, it was January and cold out and I'd much rather have been in bed sleeping. -- Then I learned to love history. They did this to kids too. Ever hear in the 1800s about those cute little newsboys? You realize they worked attrocious hours for horrible pay right? Or the chimney sweeps who got black lung? Or the factory workers from Sinclair's The Jungle? But no, we need more deregulation.
On the topic of high school, what about college? What do you want to major in? Will it be impacted? Is it something like Engineering? I see that you study 13 hours a day, but guess what? That's not enough. Come high school - you get to take 12-13 AP classes, get 5s on ALL your AP tests, maintain a 4.6 GPA BECAUSE of those AP classes, take at least 1-2 maybe 3 sports, volunteer for about 300 hours a year, and you had better be in student government and a few other ECs. Otherwise? You aren't going to one of the top schools, and DEFINITELY aren't getting into the major you wanted.
Does your family make enough to put you through? Or are you going to be relying on scholrships and grants? The Pell Grant, the thing that keeps some of us going to college because our families weren't lucky enough to be born into money and have to work 40 hours a week just to make rent? Yeah, the people you want to "take the country back" for, want the Pell Grant to disappear. That means people like me, who work hard, who still get good grades, who struggle with a difficult life at home and at school, should just drop out of college, give up, and crawl in a hole and die somewhere because we aren't rich enough, and those banks, that 1% you support, aren't always keen on helping us.
I'm going to graduate, btw, with about $200,000 in student debt. I'll be spending the next 20 years of my life paying it off, assuming I can find a hospital or research team willing to hire me at market value for my Ph.D/Psy.D in Neuroscience.
But I can always live in a cardboard box on the street while working at McDonalds for $130 a week, right?